Q: What to expect during appointment?
A: When you arrive, you will be given a consent for treatment to sign and complete. We will then discuss shape, style & colors! You and I will be aligned with expectations and the end results you are looking to achieve before we move ahead. This will coincide with numbing of the treatment area (takes approximately 30min) Lastly, permanent makeup application time! Depending on the treatment this should take anywhere from 30 min to an hour.
*Secondary anesthetics are applied throughout your procedure and will ensure you stay comfortable.
Q: How long will it take to recover?
A: Recovery and healing completely depends on you and your skin. You should see FULLY healed results in about a month.
Q: What to expect while healing?
A: You should expect redness and swelling for a day or two (for some this is only a few hours). You can expect to have a few days of darker then desired color, followed by dry flaky skin for several days to a week. Typically, the healing process is not to bad. You should have no problems being seen in public or living your life as you normally do.
-Brow procedures, eyebrows will be red.
-Eyeliner procedures expect swollen eyes (like you cried yourself to sleep) for at least several hours & the following morning.
-Lip procedures can expect swelling (like you’ve had fillers) for a few hours to a few days and darker than expected color for a few days.
Q: What is the difference between microblading and powder brows?
A: Microblading is the process of making hairlike strokes into the skin that allows the look of fuller brows. While powder brow is a light shading of color to mimic a makeup look of filled in color.
Q: Can you do both microblading and powder brow?
A: Yes! When you do both techniques, we call it a ‘combo brow’.
Q: Will I need a touchup?
A: Not everyone needs a touchup. However, we offer a free touchup with each original appointment at 10-12 weeks.
Q: Longevity?? How long will my treatment last?
A: Unfortunately, we don’t have a definitive answer for this question. Everyone is different. Lip procedures will most likely fade within 1 to 3 years. Brows will fade and need a touchup between 2 and 5 years. Eyeliner will last the longest and will never fully fade.